Aces of Space

Aigner Shop Window Design

In a land where there’s so much natural shine, standing out equals drawing people in. Aigner, the First German Cult Brand for Stylish Living, trusted Aces of Space to summon the spirit of spring-summer to their United Arab Emirates window displays and making a splash.


Leapfrogging over the obvious choices, we landed on this: clickable acrylic sheets in modernist shapes, forming a bespoke display design. An unconventional pick with just the right dusting of iridescence to stop shoppers dead in their tracks. The eye wants what it wants.






Working with easy-to-assemble parts in contrasting color tones from cool to warm or pastel soft, we sought to draw attention to the curves and features of Aigner bags and straps while keeping functionality and long-lasting durability top of mind. By switching up the sizes and shapes of the display cases and using iridescent foil we tapped into – and glowed up – reigning trends and new market developments.

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the ‘United’

in UAE


Our creative team worked arm in arm with Aigner to fully align their catalogue, image and product range to our custom design. Putting the ‘United’ in UAE, everyone involved was able to deposit their two cents regarding the design. Because none of us are as smart as all of us. (Someone should really print that on a t-shirt and hang it on an acrylic stand.)


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