Aces of Space

Meet crew member Cyril


Hi there!
I’m Cyril, a designer specialising in everything from brand identity to visual communications. To spark my creativity, I usually just sit and stare at my screen until inspiration strikes. Once the ideas start flowing, I dive into Illustrator and Photoshop—my go-to tools.

My absolute favourite tool, though, is ‘Coolers’, a website that generates color palettes. Lately, I’ve been challenging myself to curate good palettes, finding endless inspiration in the process.

In my free time, I love staying home and immersing myself in music. I’ve been building a vinyl record collection, as I prefer the rich sound quality of records over streaming. There’s something special about hearing the instruments in their full glory and of course collecting the records themselves. Besides music, I’m also passionate about movies and have developed a keen interest in filmmaking and cinematography. I’ve been wanting a camera for myself for quite some time to explore the art of photography and cinematography firsthand.

Visiting the NL office is at the top of my bucket list. I’d love to learn about their work culture and explore the projects there because there’s a different look and feel to them. But I’d also settle for visiting the US in the 1950’s during the Art Deco movement. I’m really interested in that time and I often draw good inspirations from that.

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